What's Love Got to do with it?

Tina Turner puts it best! “A Sweet Old Fashioned Notion”

But what is it?

Is it family? Is it friends? Both? The love that makes you realize there is no one else you want to be with? Or the unconditional love that only family ties have? I have always been curious about the concept of love, which one is stronger and what is love beyond that for your family? My best UCLA friend believes we can make our own families through friendship…she is rare, one in a million!

Once with a group of my Cal State friends, one got called to the RD (Resident Director). When he returned, we all questioned him about what happened? I chimed in with my quite words, “Oh, tell us, we are a CSU family.”  Little did we know at the moment, this one guy was in LOVE with our friend and secretly wanted to marry her.  So, he flipped out and yelled in my direction he wasn’t family! So, not everyone can open their heart beyond their immediate desire to marry, gain money or have sex.

Love is NOT after sex (he just loves the moment). Love is NOT if he mentions love while eating (he loves that he’s no longer hungry). Love is not through a facebook comment. If he mentions love without you boosting his ego, a bed or kitchen nearby, he MIGHT actually love you…but make sure you are not bending over, cause he could be talking to your butt.

As Lil Wayne best puts it, “I hate to see her go, but I love to watch her leave.”  So make sure he’s looking at your eyes or a blank wall when he says the word “Love.”