Doesn’t matter how good looking YOU only matters how good you make HIM feel.

This post is pretty self explanatory.

Once over dinner with my Cousin, the cute waiter that I found attractive didn’t notice me very much.
Another waiter was shameless, hitting on my cousin; rightfully so, because my cousin is beautiful.  But I was fascinated how she didn’t do very much to get them to act this way, in fact she was sort of teasing, witty and a little mean.

I asked her about it and she explained to make myself more approachable, smiling and when ready the wit and teasing can follow.

I continued, “But I am not mean, and won’t they expect more?” PLUS, I wasn’t interested in the one hitting on everyone; but the quiet tanned one who seemed nicer, so HOW do you talk to an already quiet waiter without ordering the entire menu?

I mentioned to my cousin, something about “if only I looked different” (not that I want to, but the media doesn’t exactly covet quiet ethnic females)...but looking different, maybe “hotter,” thinner, straighter hair, would garner his attention.  My cousin agreed it MIGHT depending on what his type is, but also it does matter how beautiful a girl may be as good looking man might still cheat.

WHY I asked? Is it the age? Under the age of thirty men want to be free? Men constantly want Megan Fox or Halle Berry....but Halle can’t keep a man either...and Megan is dating an older man with a maybe they are having a hard time finding someone too??... So is the key to keeping a “hot not famous” man making him feel great all the time? That’s hard and seems too one sided” not only do we have to situate ourselves for a man to ask US out, but we have to make him feel good all the time? I boost my friend’s egos because I care...but if I really liked a guy/BF? I would hope he was secure enough already to know I found him amazing...

My cousin and I continued to have a conversation on standards of beauty, hot and not hot....

We concluded? That we wouldn’t be having dessert!