Sorry, Forgive us, For we know not, what we do....


During my last quarter at UCLA I experienced for the first time EVER in my life, someone saying sorry to me....

Not the casual “Sorry I spilled the coffee,” but a genuine “Sorry I acted a certain way that could have been disrespectful.”

When approached by my friend I was leery, she apologized and I said it was fine....but honestly I was almost moved to tears, because NEVER has anyone bothered or even realizes how insensitive or inconsiderate they can be at times.... and it is not my job to call people on their every action (so usually I just ignore a lot of things).

She has no idea how much respect I have for her and if only more people could step up, reflect on their past actions and think before they act further, the world would be on the right track.

Instead, however, we are taught to forgive, and I fully believe in forgiveness, but if people know that they will be forgiven for most of their actions it seems like a vicious trend of no concern for the consequences.

Usually I forgive and make excuses for everyone around me, because I have accepted that it is hard to expect much, if people do not expect much of themselves.

In no way do I pretend to be perfect, but I try to be conscious of my words/actions towards people.

So let’s prioritize, and THINK about the power of, not only forgiveness, but saying Sorry; expressing the love that is taken for granted (i.e. a mother’s hug) and reflecting about past experiences.

I think most world religions know an “eye for an eye makes everyone blind,” but also that if all people are eventually blind we wont have to turn the other cheek either....