If you like her, Put a ring on it....

Beyonce puts it straight! Or does she?

Times have changed. Women are staying single and marrying later and men are playing the field longer. Independence is bliss.

It took my grandma ten years to settle with her second husband.

My mother took eleven years to settle with my dad.

SO, I asked my mom, “What should I do, if I ever date and really like a guy?” She said, “Don’t wait over three years for him; you can get better, if he goes past that.” I replied, “But you and Nana….”

She told me they were exceptions…

So there are exceptions to every situation…

My rule of thumb is if he is under thirty and he doesn’t pop the question after three years, its not gonna happen.

If he is over thirty and doesn’t put a ring on it, he just might be comfortable because he never thought about asking any of the other girls while in his twenties!! So you can ask the “What are we?” (ONLY


The exceptions to the above rule are men still in school (i.e. PhD, Medical school); they usually need a few years of freedom, if they haven’t slept around with their undergraduate students…