The four “F's”: Find 'em, Fool 'em, F%*k 'em, and Forget 'em.

My dad was reading my blog posts and we started talking. I mentioned having so many male friends, but they were not the same as my female friends. I couldn’t act the same and usually we all eventually stop talking; which is fine, but it wasn’t like the usual “girl cat fight” kind of “stop talking.” Usually talking just stops unless I specifically ask for advice about another guy or they ask for food.

My dad chuckled and said, “Well, I am not surprised you’ve had many man friends, but they don’t last as friends...cause back in my day, in college we had a saying called the “Four F’s.”
“Find 'em, fool 'em, f%*k 'em and forget 'em” and if they can’t fool you or sleep with you, then you are of no use as a friend!

I have heard this, but refuse to believe it until December of 2009.

I met back up with the sexiest man alive in December and all I wanted was an interview for my Art Gallery...he assumed I wanted more and decided to start the game of blowing me off, etc. If I hadn't on a deadline of UCLA's Winter break (2 weeks), I would have let him think whatever he wanted...I knew what was up and kept my cool. I am now a seasoned pro with “Mr. Sexy” kind of guys. So, I let him blow me off and promise to buy my lunch, because I needed a good interview and amazing photos. Finally, I got my interview and photos. He, however, during the interview made it clear he was single, had a crazy ex (but hadn't slept with her in a month, that she was SO crazy and followed him...He even showed me her photo saying to watch my back, but she meant NOTHING to him.

FYI we were NOT on a date AND men that say this usually are the crazy ones causing the trouble and his "Ex" is just mad at his stupid/immature antics). He continued to say he was not looking to date seriously, and loved to go out/have a good time. I was slightly confused as to WHY he mentioned all this in an interview about being biracial, but I played along. He was very smooth and on his game with the friendly touches and hugs! I was amazed that he wasn’t scared of me like every other man I've met (aside from my Baby Daddy friend), BUT this was the moment that I thought, “You look so good, I don’t even know you, but want does this add up?!? What is wrong with me?!” Nothing is wrong with me, he is simple an object of desire.

He looked so good that I reevaluated my morals and thought, “Maybe he doesn’t have to be a boyfriend or exclusive, maybe I can, I can’t, or CAN I?!”

Well, I didn’t thankfully and I blew him off. The control felt nice for once, but so many of my female friends told me I made a mistake because he is so good looking...
too many excuses for good looks, if you ask me....but at times of feeling very single I do wonder “WHAT IF....” (*updated, gave the guy a DISASTROUS-ly FUN SEXY worth while try.)